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 Předmět příspěvku: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 21 črc 2008, 19:23 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant

Registrován: 21 črc 2008, 19:21
Příspěvky: 91
Bydliště: Milovice
Zdravím sháním informace o MACV jejich činnost výstroj apod.


 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 21 črc 2008, 20:35 
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Registrován: 04 zář 2007, 09:54
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MACV bylo armádní velitelství, pod které ale spadaly všechny americké jednotky ve Vietnamu, tedy i USMC, NAVY i USAF. Velitelství bylo umístěno v Tan Son Nhut.
A výstroj ? Vyžehlená uniforma, vyleštěné boty a jako výzbroj sada ostře ořezaných tužek.

(Konečně někdo koho nezajímají žádné zabijácké party ale poctivé kancelářské krysy :D )

 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 21 črc 2008, 22:58 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant

Registrován: 21 črc 2008, 19:21
Příspěvky: 91
Bydliště: Milovice
Ja mel na mysli komplet MACV co pod ne patri a samozdrejme spis MACV/SOG jinak pokud neco mas tak to prihraj


 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 27 črc 2008, 18:51 
Chief Warrant Officer 4
Chief Warrant Officer 4
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Registrován: 10 črc 2008, 23:38
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Bydliště: South
když jsem koukal na fotky tak SOG nosívali olivovej komplet popř. tigery který tahali většinou Nungové.... ze zbraní byla standartní XM177, M60, nosili i kořistní zbraně (hlavně AK47) a jednu fotku jsem viděl i s raketometem LAW...

RT Idaho i s brýlatým Nguyenem Cong Hiepem podle kterého tuhle jednotku vždycky poznam :lol:

SGT. Francis J. Kotsmith
B Co., 1/27th Inf "Wolfhounds"
25th Infantry Division

 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 27 črc 2008, 19:59 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
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Registrován: 03 bře 2008, 21:44
Příspěvky: 99
Bydliště: skládka Praha
Uniforma:olivy(nosili je buď čistý nebo postříkaný černym sprayem),celočerný hadry,nestandartní blůzy a podobně(hlavně Nungové),tigery,později(po 69)i patterny
Pokrývky hlavy:klobouky všech možných i nemožných typů,NVA helmy,šátky,nic
Výstroj:STABO,56ky a přechody,nosili často obaly na flašky místo sumek na zásobníky,oblíbený byl Bar pás
Batoh:Tropical,Sog bágl,či NVA bágl
Výzbroj:začátky-carl gustav,kalašnikovy(sem tam stengun nebo m3 s tlumičem),od 67 se stal standard xemo,z těžžích zbraní byl jako kulomet preferován RPD(většinou se zkrácenou hlavní)před 60kou jelikož byl o hodně lehčí(i munice),dále RPG-2,RPG-7,LAWky, granátomety ať 79ky(často zkrácený),xm148ky,203ky

SFC Dinkeloo John D.

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 28 črc 2008, 22:46 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant

Registrován: 21 črc 2008, 19:21
Příspěvky: 91
Bydliště: Milovice
co ERLDka objevovali se nebo vubec? jinak dik vsem dozvedel jsem se vicemene co jsem otreboval vedet


 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 28 črc 2008, 23:26 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
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Registrován: 03 bře 2008, 21:44
Příspěvky: 99
Bydliště: skládka Praha
jj ERDL=patterny,po 69tym roce docela často,ale tak třebas my právě taháme ty postříkaný olivy černym sprayem(foto v galerii)jednak kvuli tomu,že je to správně humusácký a odlišujem se tim od ostatních SF,ale hlavně je to správně humusácký.Kdyžtak mi hoď na soukromou zprávu icq,můžem pokecat,jestli chceš SOGy kompletovat.

SFC Dinkeloo John D.

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 02 zář 2008, 21:49 
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
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Registrován: 14 bře 2008, 12:30
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Bydliště: okolí Českých Budějovic
tahaly MACV-SOG taky m16cky ???

United States Marines Corps

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 02 zář 2008, 23:04 
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant
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Registrován: 03 bře 2008, 21:44
Příspěvky: 99
Bydliště: skládka Praha
taky taky,ale ne tak často jako xema,spíše vyjímečně.

SFC Dinkeloo John D.

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: MACV - SOG
PříspěvekNapsal: 16 říj 2008, 15:21 
Chief Warrant Officer 4
Chief Warrant Officer 4
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Registrován: 10 črc 2008, 23:38
Příspěvky: 280
Bydliště: South
Do ruky se mi dostal seznam věcí, co tahal konkrétně jeden člen RT Idaho..m yslím že je to z celkem důvěryhodnýho zdroje...
Přeposílám v originále, většina lidi tomu snad rozumět bude ;-)

well, acording to Tilt meyer RT Idaho 1968-70, these are some of the things he carried..........

in the uniform: Pen light, maps, grease pencil, strobe, small knife, notebook, pencil, mirror, pen flares w/ launcher, compass, bug juice, cravat, water pur tabs, bandages, and 1 URC-10 Emergency Radio.

harness set up; CAR-15, 34 twenty round magazines, one 30 round magazine (all tracers), 1 sawed off M-79 grenade launcher, 5 frag grenades, 5+ mini V-40, 1 Willie-Pete, 1 Thermite, 1 tear gas grenade, 10 rounds 40mm M79, 5 anti-personnel, 4 HE, 1 tear gas, 1 gas mask, , 1 bolo knife, 1 LRRP ration, 1+ canteen of water (depending on terreign)1 can peaches

Rucksack; Ruck, Indig, 1 each, 1 AN/PRC-25/77, KY-38 voice scrambler, (which weighed as much as the radio) spare batteries, 9 LRRP rations, a jungle sweater, signal panel, half a poncho liner, ground sheet, footpowder, extra socks, 3 canteens water.

SGT. Francis J. Kotsmith
B Co., 1/27th Inf "Wolfhounds"
25th Infantry Division

 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV
PříspěvekNapsal: 16 říj 2008, 23:21 
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Registrován: 07 dub 2008, 18:56
Příspěvky: 57
Nemel by jsi fotku toho konkretniho clena?

BTW takova paradicka:

Edit: Rename & delete

3MDRG 65-67
RT Montana CCC 69-71
Marine is a magic creature, you can lock him out of your home, but not out of your heart. You can take him out off your mailing list, but not off your mind.

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV - SOG
PříspěvekNapsal: 13 pro 2008, 00:15 
Private First Class
Private First Class

Registrován: 07 pro 2008, 20:54
Příspěvky: 10
Bydliště: Č.Budějovice
Hele hoši kolik je těch RTček?? znam RT Idaho,Kansas myslilm že je i Alabama.Ale vic fakt us nwm pls jestli někdo víte tak mi je vipište . :?: :?:


 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV - SOG
PříspěvekNapsal: 13 pro 2008, 01:03 
Uživatelský avatar

Registrován: 14 led 2008, 16:35
Příspěvky: 512
Bydliště: Plei Ku, II. CTZ RVN
znaky jednotlivejch RT byly přidělovaný např podle států v USA ..
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Hunter, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, NewJersey, New Mexico, New York, West Virginia
ale taky např cobra, hunter, weather

SFC M.Z. Rebytt
A-218 Mike Force 62-65
A-204 B-20 MSF 67-69
There´s nothing like a Pepsi when you´ve been in the bush for a few days
20.prapor VC

 Profil Poslat e-mail  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV - SOG
PříspěvekNapsal: 13 pro 2008, 13:06 
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Registrován: 07 dub 2008, 18:56
Příspěvky: 57

GENERAL: there are essentially two basic recon teams; the (12) man team; i.e. ‘Heavy’, and the (6) man team. Often the teams will be augmented or diminished for specific missions. It is desirable that the RT leader be given a voice in determining the size and composition during the planning phase of a mission.

THE SIX MAN TEAM. The six man team is usually composed of two Americans and four indigenous (*Indigs) team members. It is made up as follows:

a. 1-0 Team Leader (US)
b. 1-1 Assistant Team Leader/Radio Operator (US)
c. 0-1 Indigenous Team Leader.
d. 0-2 Interpreter. *
e. 0-3 M-79 Grenadier.*
f. 0-4 Scout.*

THE 12-MAN TEAM. A typical 12 man team may be organized as follows:

a. 1-0 Team Leader (US)
b. 1-1 Assistant Team Leader(US)
c. 1-2 Radio Operator (US)
d. 0-1 Indigenous Team Leader*
e. 0-2 Interpreter*
f. 0-3 M-79 Grenadier*
g. 0-4 M-79 Grenadier*
h. 0-5 Scout*
i. 0-6 Scout*
j. 0-7 Scout*
k. 0-8 Scout*
*Indigenous Team Members.

*Each Command and Control (C&C) element, later CCN, CCC, and CCS will at all times (In Therory) have Six teams on the ground in their AO (Area of Operation). A Seven team will be on standby as a Bright Light Team, used in case any one of the 6 needs a Prarie Fire extraction, POW rescue, downed pilot or downed chopper, this team is ready for immediate launch!
Each team will receive a one week stand down after a mission before going “green” aka being ready for another mission.


General; There are three considerations in the wearing of the uniform. First, the equipment in the uniform should be worn in the same manner throughout the team, so that if it becomes necessary to retrieve a particular item from a dead or wounded team member, time is not lost in searching for it. Second, mission and survival gear should be carried in the pockets of the uniform so that the individual is self sufficient even if he loses his web gear and or rucksack. And Thirdly, is that equipment and the uniform should be arranged so as to permit comfort and ease of access and handling.
With the above points in mind, the following is a recommended way of carrying equipment in the uniform. Remember RECOMMENDED way, not set in stone, team members can deviate from this or add to;
(1) Individual Uniform.
(a) Trousers are held up by threading a triangular bandage (cravat) through the belt loops. Another bandage can be worn around the neck for use as a drive on rag. The trousers are not tucked into the boot tops.
(b) The jacket is worn with sleeves rolled down and buttoned at the cuffs in order to provide protection against thorns and brush and to camouflage the skin. The collar can be worn buttoned or unbuttoned. The jacket should fit loosely to facilitate ventilation.

(2) Equipment carried in the individual Uniform.
(a) Lower left leg pocket. Insect repellant in plastic bottle.
(b) Right leg pocket. One prepared meal; (LRRP ration) or an emergency ration, signal panel, pen flare with flares.
(c) Upper left pocket. RT-10 Survival radio.
(d) Right hip pocket. Six foot nylon cord or para cord.
(e) Left breast pocket. SOI and KAC code books, maps, notebook and pencil*

*NOTE: The above three items are carried in a plastic bag or other water proof container.

Signal Mirror attached to uniform with 550 cord or worn around the neck, (NOT attached to LBE)

(f) Right breast pocket. Pen light, Pilots type, compass attached to uniform with 550 cord or worn around the neck also, Morphine syrettes in a crush proof box.

Do try and fit in your uniform.

Do some homework, know where the team you choose was located out of, what years they were around.

Do put some items in your ammo pouches, such as wood blocks or some type of item to give it the appearance of being full and possibly a little heavy! Nothing looks worst than empty ammo pouches on an impression.

Do leave an item off your gear if your not sure of the time frame; better safe than sorry!!

Do tuck in your boot laces, nothing looks more unprofessional and FARBY than the “Bunny Ears” hanging out of your boots!

Don’t have a lot of facial hair, a big old beard, foo man chu mustache, long hair, and/or a pony tail!!! At least shave or try and hide it, I understand if you live in a cold climate and need a beard to keep your face warm if you work outside.

Don’t Use a Butt pack!! EVER! SOG RT’s Never used them!!! So don’t you use one either!!

Don’t overdue it; you don’t need three different knives on your gear and 4 pistols, a grenade launcher and rifle. A single knife (seen) with a smaller pocket knife in your pocket, and a single side arm are sifficiant.

Don’t Use a M-1 carbine, M-1 Garrand rifles, or SKS rifles.

Don’t Use an ARVN rucksack, Once again, photos and speaking to vets, Big Time NO!!! Only the CISO and Tropical rucks!!

Don’t wear the WWII era Khaki tan or OD green leggings or Gattors UNLESS you are doing a CCN Team!! These were the only ones who wore them!!

Don’t wear a bagged out uniform for field use. SOG members did not go into Indian country wearing colorful SOG RT patches!!

Don’t wear a S.T.A.B.O. rig if you’re the only one on your team with one! How does that look? You’re the only one who can be lifted out? Nice!

Don’t use ALICE gear, EVER! This stuff was not invented, did not exist until late 1973- 74. Nothing takes away from your impression more than a single piece of ALICE gear!

Don’t say an item or item(s) are “close enough!” There is no such thing as close enough!

Don’t use The WWI era BAR belt known as the Gunner’s Belt with the metal butt plate!! THIS WAS NEVER EVER used in Vietnam or by SOG RTs EVER!!

The appearance of Recon men assigned to SOG varied form year to year and from camp to camp. What some recon men did in CCN was not copied in CCC or CCS.

The basic SOG RT uniform was the standard issue cotton poplin/cotton rip stop jungle fatigues. This is the basic guide to what uniform compositions worn at which years. Although some uniform variations do overlap. Uniforms were worn devoid of any patches and or rank. Some teams dyed these fatigues black in or around late 1967-1968. Some teams are seen wearing the black dyed fatigues as late as 1969-70, but this was the exception, not the rule. Along with dyeing their uniforms, some team members went as far as dyeing their gear and/or spray-painting their gear also.
Beginning in or around 1969, some teams began spray painting disruptive patterns on their fatigues, as well as their gear, rucksack, and headgear. Others, such as Tilt Meyers in CCN and RT Idaho, felt this made the uniform even hotter and dint allow the uniform to breath, so needless to say, he and his team didn’t do this.

By 1971 teams serving out of CCN wore name strips with either “NO-PEN” or “NO-ALLERGIES” along with blood types, such as “A-POS” or “A-Negative” these were ONLY worn in CCN. Another CCN innovation was the spray painting/stenciled Team name across the back of the Recon members shirt, such as RT VIPER. Again, this was only done by some teams of Command & Control North. Some team members in CCN also had name tapes that read **** YOU HO CHI MIHN, and **** YOU I’M DEAD. Wearing this would insure the NVA killed them instantly instead of being captured alive and tortured, any Recon mans worst fear.

*The following are a short list of the basic uniforms and the modifications as well as color schemes:

TYPE I: Standard Poplin US jungle fatigues; four pocket shirt unmodified: 1967-68

TYPE Ia: Standard Poplin US jungle fatigues; with the addition of 2 extra pockets on the sleeves: 1967-68

TYPE Ib: Standard Poplin US jungle fatigues; with the addition of 2 extra pockets on the sleeves and the addition of a large pouch on the rear : 1967-68

TYPE II: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues dyed black (modified): 1968

TYPE IIa: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues dyed black (modified) with the addition of 2 pockets on the sleeves, making garment a 6 pocket shirt: 1968

TYPE IIb: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues dyed black (modified) with the addition of 2 pockets on the sleeves, making garment a 6 pocket shirt, and additional large pocket on rear: 1968

TYPE IIc: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues dyed black (modified) with the removal of 2 lower pockets and the addition of 2 lower pockets to the sleeves, making garment a 4 pocket shirt, and additional large pocket on rear: 1968

TYPE III: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues spray painted with a black disruptive stripe pattern (modified): 1969-70

TYPE IIIa: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues spray painted with a black disruptive stripe pattern (modified) with 2 additional pockets added to the sleeves: 1969-70

TYPE IIIb: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues spray painted with a black disruptive stripe pattern (modified) with 2 additional pockets added to the sleeves and 2 pockets added to the rear OR a 7 pocket M-16 cotton bandoleer: 1969-70

TYPE IIIc: Standard poplin or poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues spray painted with a black disruptive stripe pattern (modified) with the removal of 2 lower pockets and the addition of 2 lower pockets to the sleeves, making garment a 4 pocket shirt, and 2 pockets added to the rear OR a 7 pocket M-16 cotton bandoleer: 1969-70

TYPE IV: Standard poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues (Unmodified): 1970

TYPE IVA: Standard poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues (modified) with the addition of 2 extra pockets on the sleeves: 1970

TYPE V: Standard poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues in ERDL (Unmodified): 1971

TYPE Va: Standard poplin/ripstop US jungle fatigues in ERDL (modified) with the addition of 2 pockets on the sleeves: 1971
*The use of the ERDL uniform as a “Cross the Fence” uniform was in the last 5 minutes of the war! Hence, probably shouldn’t be done unless you are portraying the last months of US involvement in SOG.

*Additional modifications such as zippered pockets and Velcro closures and neck loops were all done by the owners and can be found in any of the 5 variations depending on year and location of the team and owner preferance.

3MDRG 65-67
RT Montana CCC 69-71
Marine is a magic creature, you can lock him out of your home, but not out of your heart. You can take him out off your mailing list, but not off your mind.

 Profil  ICQ
 Předmět příspěvku: Re: MACV - SOG
PříspěvekNapsal: 13 pro 2008, 20:37 
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Registrován: 07 dub 2008, 18:56
Příspěvky: 57
Tak este seznam RT teamu a pusobiste. Podivne je ze sem nenasel skoro zadne ze CCS:
RT Anaconda CCN, RT Missouri CCN ,RT Fer de Lance CCN, RT Cobra CCN,RT North Carolina CCN
RT Intruder CCN, RT Mamba CCN, RT Viper CCN, RT Connecticut CCN, RT Hawaii CCN, RT Hunter CCN, RT Kansas CCN, RT NewJersey CCN, RT Asap CCN , RT Alaska CCN, RT Dakota CCN,RT Idaho CCN, RT Indiana, RT Luisiana CCN, RT Oregon CCN, RT Rhode Island CCN, RT Arizona CCC, RT Arkansas CCC, RT California CCC, RT New Hampshire. CCC, RT Vermont CCC,
RT Wyoming CCC, RT Main CCC, RT Kentucky CCC, RT New Mexico CCC, RT Texas CCC,
RT Colorado CCC, RT Kentucky CCC, RT Minnesota CCC, RT New York CCC, RT West Virginia CCC, RT Alabama CCC, RT Maine CCC, RT Iowa CCC, RT Montana CCC, RT Nebraska CCC, RT Ohio CCC, RT Pennsylvania CCC, RT Level CCS, RT Delawere, RT Florida , RT Georgia, RT Illinois
RT Maryland, RT Mississippi....
u tech poslednich nevim kde pusobyly ,cert vi jestli vubec vsechny exitovali ale o kazdym je alespon zminka nekde...

3MDRG 65-67
RT Montana CCC 69-71
Marine is a magic creature, you can lock him out of your home, but not out of your heart. You can take him out off your mailing list, but not off your mind.

 Profil  ICQ
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