O-1 puff.jpg [ 90.95 KiB | Zobrazeno 7438 krát ]
Při prolízání interrnetů jsem narazil na zajímavou úpravu O-1 připevněním dvou M3jek do zadního okýnka.
Zde s popisem "nálezce"
I recently ran across this pair of photos on Facebook in a closed group and thought they were super cool. Since I'm right in the middle of writing a combat scene set in the backseat of an O-1 Cessna Bird Dog, I found them interesting and compelling.
I sent these photos to my friend and former SPAF pilot Pete Johnston - his name should sound familiar to those of you who've read my novel. Anyways, I asked him how effective those dual Grease Guns would actually be and he assured me that in a low orbit, those suckers could fuck exposed troops up pretty good. Bird Dog FAC drivers had a crazy habit of orbiting a mere 100ft or lower off the deck in order to fire on enemy troops with small-arms or drop frags down their shirt pockets.
But what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and as Pete put it, "That made us within effective range of everything they carried including squirt guns and spit wads."
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